Friday, 26 October 2012

Time, where did you go?

As you may have noticed, I haven't posted on this blog in a long embarrassingly long time.  Long enough that other staff members are starting to mock my created, but never updated blog.

What this comes down to is time, or more specifically, my lack of free time.  I am in complete awe of people who update their blogs regularly, network with other educational colleagues around the world, share their knowledge on twitter, chat away in the staff room about what they are learning, oh and of course teach a full course load, while changing, updating, improving and innovating amongst those courses.  And these are just the facets of their life that revolve around teaching!

In this modern age of infinite information at our fingertips, it's a challenge to decipher the relevance of it all.  While I am regularly reading, learning and expanding my knowledge I have also started to take the first steps of incorporating new things into my teaching.  However I have to remember that the final part is self reflection and sharing.

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